=1){ $id=$_GET['id']; $ERROR=false; //get the font they want to view the site in if( isset($_GET['font']) && ( $_GET['font']=="Arial" || $_GET['font']=="Georgia" || $_GET['font']=="Times New Roman" || $_GET['font']=="Verdana" || $_GET['font']=="Courier New") ){ $font=$_GET['font']; } else{ $font="Times New Roman"; } //get the font size they want to view the site in if( isset($_GET['size']) && ( $_GET['size']==8 || $_GET['size']==10 || $_GET['size']==12 || $_GET['size']==16 || $_GET['size']==18) ){ $size=$_GET['size']; } else{ $size=12; } //now we get the concept and conception from the database using the ID $result=database_query("SELECT concept, conception, notes, contributor, year, timestamp FROM ConceptsBeta WHERE id=$id LIMIT 1"); if($result && mysql_num_rows($result)==1){ //assign the DB info to variables $myrow=mysql_fetch_row($result); $concept=$myrow[0]; $conception=$myrow[1]; $notes=$myrow[2]; $contributor=$myrow[3]; $year=$myrow[4]; $timestamp=$myrow[5]; //now we get the authors of this entry $result=database_query("SELECT name FROM Authors WHERE conceptID=$id LIMIT 100"); if($result && mysql_num_rows($result)>=1){ $authors=""; //assign the DB info to variables while($myrow=mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $authors.= $myrow[0] . ", "; } $authors= substr($authors, 0, strlen($authors)-2); //now we get the citations $result=database_query("SELECT citation FROM Citations WHERE conceptID=$id LIMIT 200"); if($result && mysql_num_rows($result)>=1){ $citations=""; //assign the DB info to variables while($myrow=mysql_fetch_row($result)){ $citations.= "
  • " . $myrow[0] . "
  • \n"; } //we are good to go! $ERROR=false; } else{ $ERROR=true; } } else{ $ERROR=true; } } else{ $ERROR=true; } } else{ $ERROR=true; } ?> <? echo ucwords($concept); ?>
    Font: Size:
    " . ucwords($concept) . " ($year)\n"; echo "

    Authors: $authors

    \n"; echo "

    Submitted: " . date("F j, Y, g:i a", strtotime($timestamp)) . "

    \n"; echo "


    \n"; if($notes && strlen($notes)>1) echo "

    Notes on Context of Use:

    $notes\n"; echo "


    \n"; } else{ echo "


    \n"; echo "

    There was an error accessing the conception you requested. Please check the ID you submitted and try again.

    \n"; } ?>

    This material was accessed from the Society for Conceptual Logistics in Communication Research website (www.sclcr.com) at .

    You can look up this specific entry at http://www.sclcr.com/?id=

    This material is copyrighted by its author. You can determine who that is by accessing the entry online.